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下面我们指出概率论的公理化定义 试验 首先,我们必须明确概率论中的两个抽象概念:结果和事件. 一次试验指的是一次已经明确规定的实验.我们可以观察到单个的结果$\zeta_i$,而如果事件$\mathscr A$在逻辑上包含了某个结果, 我们就称该事件在这次试验中出现. 我们对只包含一个结果的……



前言 发现一本概率论与随机过程的好书《概率、随机变量与随机过程》,把笔记记录成博客。 我们首先要问,什么是概率论,为什么会有概率论? 我们对物理世界和其抽象模型的区别是容易接受的,比如物理学. 同时我们会认为:宇宙是按确定性规律发展的,一些规律精确地规定了宇宙的未来,只是由于我们的无和或……


Probability Theory: the logic of science

Plausible reasoning The actual science of logic is conversant at present only with things either certain, impossible, or entirely doubtful, none of which (fortunately) we have to reason on. Therefore the true logic for this world is the calculus of Probabilities, which takes account of the magnitude of the probability which is, or ought to be, in a reasonable man's mind. –Maxwell Aristotle deductive reasoning(apodeixis) strong syllogism if A is true, then B is true; now A is true, therefore B is true if A is true, then B is true; now B is false, therefore A is false Plausible reasoning weak syllogism(epagoge) if A is true, then B is true; now B is true, therefore A becomes more plausible. if A is true, then B is true, now A is false, therefore B becomes less plausible. weaker syllogism if……



常见分布 均匀分布: $rand(M,N)$ 伯努利分布(01分布,两点分布): $x=rand(M,N); y=(sign(x-P+eps)+1)/2, P为1的概率$ 二项分布:N个独立的伯努利分布中1的次数,$binornd(N,P,m)$ 泊松分布:描述单位时间内随机事件发生次数的概率分布,$poissrnd()$ 正态分布(高斯分布):$normrnd()$ 标准正态分布:……
